ToDo Detail Information

Accessing the Detail Panel

All of the ToDo's details and functions can be accessed through the detail panel. Selecting the ToDo will automatically open the detail panel (when viewing on a tablet screen size or larger).

On smaller device sizes, click the Info icon from the selection toolbar.

ToDo Details

Select a ToDo to see detailed information about that particular ToDo. The Detail panel will open on the right of the screen.

The ToDo detail panel will include the basic information:

  1. ToDo label & title

  2. Edit1

  3. ToDo Thumbnail

  4. Action buttons: Export, Add tags2, Delete3, overflow menu

  5. Details Section

      1. Description

      2. Due date

      3. Type

      4. Priority

      5. Status

      6. Completion (Percentage)

      7. Assigned to

      8. Created by and time stamp

      9. Modified by and time stamp

  6. Tags

  7. Attachments



  1. Depending on permissions.
  2. Depending on permissions.
  3. Depending on permissions.