Comment Attachments

Attachment Types

There are 3 attachment types that can be added to comments:

Project files
Files stored in your Connect project can be added as attachments.

You can choose between 2D or 3D views to add as attachments.

Web links
Add a URL to a comment as an attachment. You can customize the display text.

Add an Attachment

Add an attachment to a new comment

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Open a detail panel for a file, folder, View, Release or ToDo.

  3. Click the Add a comment button located at the bottom of the detail panel.

  4. Type your message.

  5. Click the Attachment button (located in the bottom left).

  6. The Attachment dialog will open. Choose between project files, views or add a URL.

  7. After you have picked your attachment, click Add attachment.
    The dialog will close and you can now add your comment with the attachment.

  8. Click Comment.

Add an attachment to a existing comment

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Open a detail panel for a file, folder, View, Release or ToDo.

  3. Click the overflow menu button shown next to your comment.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Click the Attachment button (located in the bottom left).

  6. The Attachment dialog will open. Choose between project files, views or add a URL.

  7. After you have picked your attachment, click Add attachment.
    The dialog will close and you can now add your comment with the attachment.

  8. Click Save.

Delete an Attachment

CAUTION: Deleting comment attachments cannot be undone.

To delete an attachment

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Open a detail panel for a file, folder, View, Release or ToDo.

  3. Click the X button next to the attachment listed.

  4. A confirmation dialog will appear.

  5. Click Delete.

Next Topic: Comment Permissions