Creating ToDos

About Creating ToDos

ToDos can be created in the Web Application, 3D Viewer and 2D Viewer. ToDos created in the Viewer applications will have an Embedded View which will allow you to open the ToDo in the future to that particular Viewpoint. ToDos created in the web application will not have an Embedded View but you can add Views to them as an attachment.

Create a ToDo in Connect for Browser

Create a ToDo from the ToDo Page

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDos page.

  3. Click the New button at the top right of the page.

  4. The New ToDo dialog box opens.

  5. Enter the required information: Title and Description.

  6. Add the optional information, such as Priority, Type, Status and Due Date.

  7. Assign the ToDo to a user or to a user group.

  8. Click Save.

To create a ToDo from the Explorer or Views page

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the Explorer or Views page.

  3. Select the desired files or Views.
    The detail panel will open on the right-side.

  4. Click the + More options button.

  5. The list will be expanded.

  6. Click Add to ToDo.

  7. The ToDo dialog box opens.

  8. Enter the required information: Title and Description.

  9. Add the optional information, such as Priority, Type, Status and Due Date.

  10. Assign the ToDo to a user or to a user group.

  11. Click Save.

Create a ToDo in the 2D or 3D Viewer

To create a ToDo from the 2D or 3D Viewer

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Open a model or drawing in the 2D or 3D Viewer .

  3. When you have found an issue, click the Add ToDo button on the toolbar.

  4. The New ToDo panel opens.

  5. Enter the required information: Title and Description.

  6. Add the optional information, such as Priority, Type, Status and Due Date.

  7. Assign the ToDo to a user or to a user group.

  8. Click Save.