BCF Topic Settings


Topic Settings can be found under the Project Settings Tab. Only project admins can make changes to the settings. 

Customizable fields are:

Default Values

When the project is created, a set of default values are pre-generated in the settings. Topic default values cannot be edited (only removed).

Note that only values that are configured in the settings can be given when a new Topic is created. Changing default values will not change existing topics.

Supported functions:

Configuring Topic Types

A topic type is a way to easily identify and categorize issues accounting to BCF standards. You can use the default types or create custom ones.

Supported functions

Note: Changes to will only take effect after you have clicked the Save button in the page header

Configuring Topic Statuses

A topic status is a way to easily track progress of topics. You can use the default types or create custom ones.

To keep the topics listing manageable, you can set individual statuses to “Inactive”. This will remove the topic from the main active list.

Supported functions

Note: Changes to will only take effect after you have clicked the Save button in the page header

Configuring Topic Priorities

Priorities give a rank of importance to topics. You can use the default types or create custom ones.

Supported functions

Note: Changes to will only take effect after you have clicked the Save button in the page header

Import Topic Settings

It is possible to import the Topic Types, Statuses and Priorities from another Trimble Connect project by selecting the option in the three dot menu:

Note: Changes to will only take effect after you have clicked the Save button in the page header

Next Topic: Extensions