ToDos Attachments

Attachment Types

ToDos support 4 attachment types, and depending on the type of attachment and your permissions, different functions will be available for each.

Project Files
Attached project files always point to the latest version of the file stored in the Connect Project.

Supported actions: View, Download, Locate in Explorer, Remove

Uploaded Files
Uploaded files are not visibility stored in the Connect Project. They do however support versions if you upload the same file.

Supported actions: View, Download, Remove

Both 2D & 3D Views are supported as attachments.

Supported actions: View, Remove

Individual clash items can be added to a ToDo in the 3D Viewer.

Supported actions: Remove

Add Attachments (from ToDo page)

You can now add attachments to a ToDo directly from the ToDo detail panel!

Attach Project Files

To attach project files

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDo you want to add an attachment to.

  4. Under the Attachments section click the + button.

  5. This opens the Add Attachment Dialog, which displays the project File Explorer.

  6. Select the file to be attached.

  7. Click Add attachment.

Attach Local Files

To attach local files

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDo you want to add an attachment to.

  4. Under the Attachments section click the + button.

  5. This opens the Add Attachment Dialog, which displays the project File Explorer.

  6. Click the 3rd tab in the same dialog.

  7. Drag and drop a file or click Browse to open the native File Explorer.

  8. Click Add attachment.

Attach Views

To attach Views

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDo you want to add an attachment to.

  4. Under the Attachments section click the + button.

  5. This opens the Add Attachment Dialog, which displays the project File Explorer.

  6. Click the 2nd tab in the same dialog.

  7. All Views that you have access to will be shown.

  8. Select the View.

  9. Click Add attachment.

Add Files or Views to Existing ToDo

If you have already created a ToDo and wish to add files or Views to it, you can add your selection to an existing ToDo.

To add files or Views to an existing ToDo

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the Explorer or Views page.

  3. Select the desired files or Views.
    The detail panel will open on the right-side.

  4. Click the + More options button.

  5. The list will be expanded.

  6. Click Add to ToDo.

  7. The ToDo dialog box opens.

  8. Click the second tab: Add to existing ToDo.

  9. Enter the required information: Title and Description.

  10. Click Save.

Note: If you want to remove any of the files or Views from your selection before adding to a ToDo, click the Selected Items link in the dialog, and unselect any unwanted files or Views; Unchecked files or Views will not be added to the ToDo.

Downloading Attachments

To download a file attachment

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDo you want to download the attachment from.

  4. Open the overflow menu for the desired attachment.

  5. Click Download.

To download all file attachments

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDo you want to download the attachments from.

  4. Open the overflow menu for the Attachments section.

  5. Click Download.

Removing Attachments

CAUTION: Removing attachments cannot be undone.

To remove an attachment

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDo you want to remove the attachment from.

  4. Open the overflow menu for the desired attachment.

  5. Click Remove.

To remove all attachments

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDo you want to remove attachments from.

  4. Open the overflow menu for the Attachments section.

  5. Click Remove.

Next Topic: ToDo Permissions