ToDo Permissions

ToDo Visibility 

ToDos can be made private to the author or public to all users in the project. By default, ToDos are visible for all users in the project.

If you are a Project Administrator, you can change the privacy settings by going to the Settings › User Permissions page.

Change ToDo visibility

ToDo Permissions 



  1. If a ToDo has an Implicit View associated to it (meaning it was made in the 2D or 3D Viewer), then the visibility of the Implicit View is going to be dependent on the user’s access to the folder where the file is stored in Connect. For example, if the assignee or a project member has no access to the folder, then that user will not be able to see the Implicit View, but they will still be able to see the ToDo information (like the detail information).
  2. ToDos will be visible to all users in the project by default, but the Project Administrator can change this so ToDo visibility is restricted to only the Project Administrators, ToDo creator and assignees. If the ToDo visibility is restricted for project members, users cannot perform the listed action.
  3. The assignee must have access to the file & clash set in order to view.
  4. The assignee's ability to open a view is dependent on the user’s access to the folder where the file is stored in Connect.  
  5. The assignee's ability to open attached project files is going to be dependent on the user’s access to the folder where the file is stored in Connect. For example, if the assignee or a project member has no access to the folder where the attached files are stored in the project, then that user will not be able to open the attachments.

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