Downloading Files & Folders

Download Limitations

When using Trimble Connect for Browser, there are some limitations to keep in mind when performing download operations.

Downloading files:

  • Single file download --> No size limitations

  • Multiple file download --> 4 GB size limit (combined size cannot exceed 4 GB).

Downloading folders:

  • Single or multiple folder download --> 4 GB size limit (combined size cannot exceed 4 GB).

Download a File or Folder

To download a file or folder

  1. Open your project in Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Navigate to the Explorer page.

  3. Select the file or folder you want to download.
    The detail panel will open.

  4. Click the Download button in the detail panel.

The selected files and/or folder is downloaded to your local computer.

NOTE : The selected folder will be downloaded starting from the topmost hierarchy in the project.

Download Multiple Items

To download multiple files or folders

  1. Open your project in Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Navigate to the Explorer page.

  3. Select the files or folders you want to download.
    The panel on the right side lists all the selected files and folders.

  4. Click the Download button.

The selected files and/or folders will be downloaded as a .zip file to your local computer

Download Folders from the Folder Tree

Your project's folder tree can be used to quickly navigate to folders and download them.

To download folders from the folder tree:

  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Under the Data Menu, click on the folder icon — shown next to Explorer menu option.

3. The Folder Tree will open.

4. Expand the folders to navigate to the folder you want to download.

5. Hovering over the folder.

6. Click the Download button.

The selected folder will be downloaded as a .zip file to your local computer

Next Topic: Sharing Files