Relinking Models to Topics

Often the imported BCF Topics refer to models via 3D views. However, the model files are not included in the BCF files. The models need to be uploaded to the Trimble Connect project separately.

The Topics service detects during the import process if an imported Topic refers to a model. It then searches the project folder structure and looks for a model that has a matching name with the model that is referenced in the imported Topic. If a model with a matching name is found, it is automatically linked to the Topic. If a model with a matching name is not found, then the user is presented with a message in the Topic panel and given an option to relink the imported Topic with the correct model. 

Sometimes it is possible that the imported BCF file does not contain all required data and it’s missing the information which model it relates to. If that is the case, a message is displayed in the Topic details and the relink option is available to relink the Topic with the correct model.

With the relink option, the user can associate the Topic with the correct model in the project by browsing the project folder structure and selecting the correct model. 

To relink a model to a BCF Topics

CAUTION: The relink operation cannot be undone.