Editing & Deleting ToDos

Edit a Single ToDo

Unless you are a Project Administrator, you can only edit ToDos that you have created or that have been assigned to you. The editable fields are the Title, Description, Due date, Type, Priority, Status, Completion (Percentage), Assignee and Tags.

To edit a ToDo

  1. Open your project in Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDo you want to edit.
    The detail panel will open on the right-side.

  4. Click the Edit button.

  5. The ToDo detail panel switches to Editing Mode, where editing of all fields is enabled.

6. Make the desired changes.

7. Click Save.

Bulk Edit Multiple ToDos

If you need to make the same changes to multiple ToDos, you can use the Bulk Editing function.

With the Bulk Edit function you can make changes to a single field (while leaving the remaining fields unchanged). The editable fields are the Due date, Type, Priority, Status, Completion (Percentage), Assignee and Tags.

Please note: Any changes made to the assignee or tags field will replace existing content.

To bulk edit a ToDos

  1. Open your project in Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDos you want to edit.
    The detail panel will open on the right-side.

  4. Click the Edit ToDos button, located in the detail panel.

  5. The Edit ToDos dialog will open.

  6. Make the needed changes.

  7. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Delete a ToDo

Only the creator of a ToDo or the Project Administrator can delete ToDos.

CAUTION: Deleting ToDos from the project cannot be undone. Deleting the ToDo will delete it for everyone it was assigned to and all the data as well.

To delete a ToDo

  1. Open your project in Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDo you want to delete.
    The detail panel will open on the right-side.

  4. Click the Delete button located in the detail panel.

  5. A confirmation dialog will appear.

  6. Click Delete.