Exporting Topics


BCF Topics service allows exporting Topics as BCF standard compatible BCF files and in PDF format.

Important: The BCF files contain only Topics data. Often the Topics refer to models via 3D views. The models need to be exported separately as the model files are not included in the BCF files.

Supported Exported File Formats

Export Topics

To export multiple BCF Topics

The export launches in the background and the export progress indicator is displayed. The export job will continue in the background and the status of the job can be checked also from the export history page. Once completed, the exported file is available for download in the Export History page.

Export Dialog

Give a name for the export. The name is used in identifying the export in the Export history page and in the name of the export BCF file.

Export Parameters
Use the export parameters to define the search & filter criteria for the Topics that are included in the export. Note the Topics listing changing the background to display which Topics would be exported with the given export parameters

Export Options

Export Known Limitations

In certain areas the Trimble Connect BCF Topics have richer features than the BCF Standard v2.1 supports. This means that all data cannot be exported in the BCF file. The data that cannot be exported includes

Next Topic: Topics Export History