Downloading Release Contents

Download All Files

You can download all the files in a release from the main Releases page or from inside the particular Release.

To download from the main Releases page

  1. Open your project in Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the Releases page.

  3. Select the Release you want to download the contents for.
    The detail panel will open on the right-side.

  4. In the detail panel, click the Download button.

  5. The files will be downloaded to your computer.

To download from inside the Releases page

  1. Open your project in Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the Releases page.

  3. Click on the Release name that you want to download the contents for.
    You will be taken inside the Release.

  4. Click the Download button from the page header.

A Zip file will be downloaded to your computer.

Download a Selection of Files

To download a selection of files

  1. Open your project in Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the Releases page.

  3. Click on the Release name.
    You will be taken inside the Release.

  4. Select the desired files.

  5. Click the Download button located in the detail panel.

A Zip file will be downloaded to your computer.