Updating a Project Billing Account or License

Updating the Project Billing Account

If you have recently purchased a Business License, Project Agreement or Enterprise License, you may need or want to update an existing project to use a license from a different account.

To update or change the project billing account

  1. Open the project in Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the Settings › Project Details page.

  3. Click on the Project ownership field and select your account from the list.
    The Account ID will be listed when you open the dropdown menu.

  4. Select the correct license from the Project license dropdown.
    The project license dropdown will only show licenses from the selected account.

  5. Click Save changes (located in the top right section of the page).

Note: Changing project billing account will remove any existing file metadata being used on the project and will be replaced by the new account file metadata template (if the new account is using the feature).

Updating a Project License

If you have recently purchased a Business License, Project Agreement or Enterprise License, you may need or want to update an existing project to the new license.

Changing the project license to a different one that comes from the same account will not change the ownership of the project. Any existing file metadata being used on the project will remain.

Note: This is a Project Admin function only and not available to all project users.

To update a project license

  1. Open your project in Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the Settings › Project Details page.

  3. Select the correct license from the Project license dropdown.
    The project license dropdown will only show licenses from the selected account.

  4. Click Save changes (located in the top right section of the page).