Exporting ToDos

You can export a single ToDo, a selection of ToDos as an Excel file or as BCF Zip files. You can also export all ToDos in your project as an Excel file.

Trimble Connect supports BCF 1.0 format for export.

Export a Single ToDo as BCF or Excel

To export a single ToDo

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDo you want to export. The detail panel will open.

  4. Click the Export button in the detail panel.

  5. Choose the desired output (BCF or Excel).

Once Export to BCF/Excel has been selected, a snackbar will appear notifying you that the request is being processed.

After the BCF/Excel file(s) is prepared, an email will be sent to the user. In the email, click the Download link to download the file. The download link will be valid for 72 hours.

Export a Multiple ToDos as BCF or Excel

To export a multiple ToDos

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Select the ToDos you want to export. The detail panel will open.

  4. Click the More options inside the detail panel.

  5. Choose the desired output (BCF or Excel).

Once Export to BCF/Excel has been selected, a snackbar will appear notifying you that the request is being processed.

After the BCF/Excel file(s) is prepared, an email will be sent to the user. In the email, click the Download link to download the file. The download link will be valid for 72 hours.

Export All ToDos to Excel

To export all the ToDos in your project, click the overflow menu at the top of the right side of the page and select Export to Excel.

To export all ToDos

  1. Open your project Trimble Connect for Browser.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Click the overflow menu in the page header.

  4. Select Export to Excel.

Once Export to BCF/Excel has been selected, a snackbar will appear notifying you that the request is being processed.

After the BCF/Excel file(s) is prepared, an email will be sent to the user. In the email, click the Download link to download the file. The download link will be valid for 72 hours.

Next Topic: ToDos Attachments